Thursday, December 13, 2007

Weaving the Brokenness - Healing the Wound of Mother Abandonment

My daughter puts her arms around me, her brown eyes soft and beckoning. Her rounded belly and motherly curves rest against me, and for a moment I choke up. She is pregnant with a girl baby whose middle name will be Joy like mine. She will be my first grand-daughter, and my second grandchild.
I was named Joy by my great-grandmother, Blanche, the mother of my grandmother Lulu, who spent much of her childhood living with Blanche?s mother. When Lulu was a young woman, she abandoned her daughter Josephine. Josephine abandoned me when I was four years old, leaving me with her mother. What a heritage!
When I look at my daughter, I see the images of my foremothers in my mind?my beautiful but insensitive mother, my intelligent, breaking-the-rules grandmother. I rememb View the rest of this article

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