Monday, July 9, 2007

New Niche Business Blue Print

Here is your step-by-step business blue print for how to start your very own Niche internet business: Step One: Find a specifc niche market that you are interested in and have a passion for. Step Two: Through research find out exactly what problems this particular niche wants answered.( market research of forums and the research tools) Step Three: Using wordtracker complete your research by making sure there is a market for your problem solving ebook and not too much competition. A. Go to and create an account. B. Log in to your word tracker account. C. Use the function on the main menu which is called "Full Search." D. Word tracker's instructions say "Simply enter one generic term that describes your business or service." Write in the key word phrase that describes your idea for your ebook.If there is an idea that appeals to you in one of the titles above write it in the search bar and press enter N.B. You can also do single word searches here too. So if your passion is golf write "Golf" into the search bar. E. RESULT: You will get a long list of words related to the phrase or word you typed in based on what the search engine knows. In other words, you will get a comprehensive list of all of the terms that people have been searching for in and around that phrase or term Step Four: Research web sites and books that contain information answering your niches problems. Copy and paste/highlight all quality information.(see step 6) Step Five: Arrange the information you have gathered into seperate chapters Step Six: "REWRITE" all the information you have gathered into your "OWN WORDS" and add your OWN unique style as you write. Step Seven: Ensure that there are no mistakes in the ebook using microsoft spellchecker or any word processing tool. Step Eight: Turn your word document into a stunning looking PDF ebook. Step Nine: Create a mini site that is ready to take orders. Step Ten: Create a sales letter/pay a copywriter for a sales letter/buy sales letter software and add your sales letter to your web site. Step Eleven: Locate a subject of hot interest to your target niche market using magazines and newspapers. Step Twelve: Write an article on the subject and add a resource box that sends people to your site for a FREE report/ebook/gift Step Thirteen: Submit your article to as many article directories as possible. Step Fourteen: Ensure you have some way of capturing the email addresses of people who visit your site and build your opt-in list Step Fifteen: Source cheap qualified traffic through ezine advertising, PPC, giving away a free ebook, ebay and shopping bots. Step Sixteen: Start your own affiliate program by contacting people within your niche who are not direct competition and ask them to market your product to their list of subscribers or site visitors in exchange for you paying them a comission of 50%+ Step Seventeen: Create an upselling system on your web site so that straight after your customer makes a purchase you immediately offer them a relevant product/service at a discount. Ensure they know they must buy at that point to qualify for the discount. Step Eighteen: Build up your list of back end products and ensure that each product follows on from the one before in a logical step of solving your niche markets problems. Join other peoples affiliate programs and market their products to your opt in list (wait until your list reaches at least 1000) Step Nineteen Join other peoples affiliate programs and market their products to your opt in list (wait until your list reaches at least 1000) Step Twenty: Tweak and repeat system time and time again to create virtual cash machines that will churn out money for you automatically for years to come! Step Twenty One Sit back and count the cash

Scot Tyler specialises in helping people start their own online ventures.

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