Monday, October 22, 2007

Free Music Ringtones – Sparkling!

Fre music ringtones seem to be one of the newest and hottest trends right now. I am sure you have all noticed that when you hear a cell phone ring on the street or in a store, no longer do the phones have just standard rings, but now they sing songs. Where do these ringtones come from? There seems to be such a wide array of possibilities as no one seems to have the same ring. Well to start out many phones come with links to sites to download ringtones directly through the phone. Most phones allow a certain amount of free music ringtones as a trial, maybe one or two and then you have to start paying for them. These ringtones can range from ones with only music to ones that actually have the words to the songs. There are also numerous websites on the internet that offe View the rest of this article

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