Friday, September 28, 2007

What I Learned About History as a Text-Based Gamer

Growing up, my first love was a love of books. It was a love which began as an affection for fairy tales that eventually expanded into Greek and Roman myth, and after that blossomed into an obsession with ancient cultures. Whatever I could read, watch, or listen to which furthered my knowledge of various mythological archetypes, was devoured like a delicious meal, and it was rare for me to be found without my nose between the pages of some fantastical story or historical tale from the ages I found so magical. Over time my infatuation was put aside, and I focused on other hobbies, pursued different interests all in the name of becoming an adult. Occasionally, I would reward myself when in a bookstore or library, picking up something here or there to fuel the torch I h View the rest of this article

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