Saturday, September 15, 2007

Herpes: A Quick Guide

Herpes is a rather common viral infection that affects a lot of people. Basically there are two types: Herpes-Zoster and Herpes-Simplex. Herpes is the title of a group of viruses that can cause quite painful blisters and sores. Genital herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV), and is a sexually transmitted disease. This infection is normally spread by sex, but it can also be spread by oral sex, the reason being skin to skin contact. Unfortunately, recurrence of genital herpes is the norm rather than the exception. It is now estimated that more than 75% of all genital herpes is transmitted when there are no lesions and no symptoms present. The cold sore virus is another strain of herpes and is not associated with sexually transmitted disease; ocular herpes i View the rest of this article

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