Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Ab training routines

Now that you know how to eat and have a good understanding of the best abdominal exercises, it’s time to lay out the routines for a ripped midsection and six-pack abs. But before we get specific about abdominal training – especially sets, reps, and exercises - we need to give you a few extra pieces of information. As saw earlier, there are two philosophies of thought on abdominal training. You can treat them like any other muscle and train them two to three times per week. Or you can hit them every day. While we encourage you to experiment, we strongly suggest that for the first 4 to 6 weeks you only train them two to three times per week. Going from zero workouts to hitting the abs six or seven times per week is just too stressful. As time goes on you can start View the rest of this article

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