Saturday, January 5, 2008

Allergy Treatment Guide

Allergy can be described as a malfunction of the immune system, an exaggerated response to certain substances. Allergies come in all different shapes and sizes, some as benign, but bothersome as the sneezing, wheezing, coughing and watery eyes brought on by pollens, and some whoppers that can actually bring on anaphylaxis and anaphylactic shock and death such a bee stings.
Allergic symptoms can be brought on by many different things. Some environmental allergens are seasonal pollen such as ragweed, mold, dust, dander from household pets. Others can be brought on by foods, such as nuts or shellfish, and some by medications (prescription or over-the-counter).
If you have a family history of allergy you will have a greater risk of acquiring one yourself. The fir View the rest of this article

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