Sunday, November 4, 2007

Confessions Of A Reluctant Online Business Woman: How I Hired (And Fired!) A Spa*mer !

If you want a six-figure income sitting at your computer, working the hours you choose, doing what you love, then learn to market online the smart way.
You may be like me. You've got a great service business - or a small business - and you decide you want to have "an online presence." You start with a website. Then you realize nobody is going to find you unless you do something to drive traffic.
You used to drive "in" traffic to a job, now you're "driving traffic to" your website. You are herding "unique visitors" to web pages, hoping they'll stay long enough to read what you have to say and become interested in your services.
Just about anybody who has put up a website has realized it is not enough to "build it and they will come." Many people rea View the rest of this article

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