Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Most Annoying Cat Behavior – Urine Spraying

Cat spraying urine in the house is one of the most annoying and frustrating cat behavior problem. Constant urine smell is pretty hard to tolerate and sadly but not surprisingly, some cats will have to take a one way trip to the shelter. However, as with most cat behavior problems, there is a reason as to why the cat sprays. Identifying the cause can greatly help you in finding the right solution to stop this annoying habit. Why do they spray? Spraying should not be confused with inappropriate urination since it is an intentional act. In entire cats, urine spraying is part of a normal and natural behavior. It is a way to convey territorial and sexual messages to other cats. Not only tomcats spray, queens in heat will spray too to let others know they are ready View the rest of this article

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